Serena Williams and Stephen Curry Play an Epic Ping Pong Match for a New Chase Ad

Today, Chase announced the beginning of its new digital banking campaign, Battle of the Paddle, which unites two of the biggest names in sports for the first time.

Stephen Curry and Serena Williams in Epic Ping Pong Match for New Chase Ad

In a brand-new ad, professional tennis player Serena Williams and NBA player Stephen Curry are pitted against one another at a ping pong table in an intense match.

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Curry commented, “I had a great time filming this spot with Serena; it was awesome working with her.” “I’m going to ask the Chase team to give her a shot at Pop-a-shot next time because I think she has a slight competitive advantage in table tennis.”

Chase’s ability to arrange for Stephen and I to work together on the shoot was fantastic. We had a great time filming because, regardless of the sport, we’re both fiercely competitive,” Williams continued.

Stephen Curry and Serena Williams in Epic Ping Pong Match for New Chase Ad

The ad highlights the development and practicality of Chase QuickPay®, a technology that enables consumers to send and receive money instantly.

“Stephen and Serena are the biggest names in sports at the moment. We’re thrilled to combine these icons to demonstrate the strength and practicality of Chase QuickPay.”

Donna Vieira, Chase Consumer Banking’s Chief Marketing Officer

Steph Curry e Serena Williams si sfidano a ping pong

More customers than ever before are transferring money thanks to Chase QuickPay, which debuted in 2009. Over $28 billion was sent by Chase customers utilizing QuickPay in 2016, a 38% increase from the previous year.