Longtime Coach of LeBron James Assigns Credit for Lakers Superstar’s ‘Consistency’

LeBron James is still among the NBA’s finest players at the age of 39. His longevity is maybe his greatest achievement—it defies comprehension. It stems directly from one of the most significant qualities that Mike Mancias has carried since he was a teenager.

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When the trainer appeared on the High Performance podcast, host Jake Humphrey questioned him about the most important thing he had taught James in their over two-decade friendship. He retorted that he had been preaching to the Lakers star about the

importance of consistency, and that the player had accepted the challenge and made it second nature. Mancias stated,

Meet LeBron James' Trainer: Mike Mancias | LADDER

“I think the most important thing I could have taught him was to just be consistent.” Since we push each other daily, I genuinely believe that we have taught each other. Neither he nor I will give up easily. Here’s what happened: we’ve both developed extreme consistency.

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Then, he discussed the value of consistency in team sports and how a player with James’s unwavering will to succeed may help the team. The instructor stated,

In a group context, people know they can count on you to support them as well. Your teammates won’t need to ask questions about what you’re going to bring to the table on any given day if you are consistent in your behavior, attitude, and performance.

James attributes his extraordinary achievement of playing at an All-NBA level for 20 years to Mancias.

LeBron James recognized Mike Mancias’ contribution.As he approached the conclusion of his 20th NBA season, the Lakers legend was questioned about his longevity in a post-game interview in April 2023. The four-time MVP took advantage of the chance to compliment Mancias. James stated,

Without him, I could never have played 20 seasons. It really is that easy. Without him, I could never hope to continue playing at this level. He really is that important to my performance, to my game, to everything I do. to my mind. Thus, it is not possible. I mean, this could have lasted for seven or twelve years. But twenty? Without him, it is impossible.

Mancias has supported the seasoned forward during his NBA career, which doesn’t seem to be coming to an end. James’ heroics at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris demonstrated that, more than two decades later, he is still as hungry as ever to compete at the highest level.

His trainer will push him just as much as he did in Year 1 as he gets ready for his 22nd NBA season.