De La Hoya Surprises Many by Revealing Floyd Mayweather’s Monthly Income: HE’s Going Broke’

One of the richest athletes in the world, Floyd Mayweather, sometimes known as “Money” Mayweather, has long been recognized for his money. His impressive boxing career, rich endorsement deals, and astute business decisions have all added to his projected net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. But new information from another boxing great Oscar De La Hoya has spurred a lot of speculative discussion on Mayweather’s financial status. In an unexpected interview, De La Hoya—a former opponent in and out of the ring—said that Mayweather’s monthly salary might not be as stable as it appears, raising questions about whether the unbeaten boxing champion is in danger of running into financial difficulties.


This article will examine De La Hoya’s claims, Mayweather’s earnings history, and any financial difficulties that might have an impact on his business. Is one of the wealthiest sportsmen in history about to go bankrupt? Let’s dissect the assertions and the evidence.

Floyd Mayweather has long been recognized for leading a lavish lifestyle. Mayweather has established a reputation for leading a rich lifestyle through his social media posts featuring him surrounded by piles of cash, showcasing his collection of expensive cars, and displaying his luxury real estate all around the world. It’s no coincidence that he goes by “Money”; it’s a reflection of his ostentatious spending habits and cocky public attitude.

Mayweather amassed enormous wealth from his fights over the course of his career. For instance, the much awaited fight between Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao in 2015 brought in over $400 million, with Mayweather winning an estimated $250 million. In the highly anticipated 2017 bout versus UFC superstar Conor McGregor, Mayweather won a further $300 million in earnings. Over the course of his boxing career, Mayweather is thought to have made over $1 billion in earnings.


huge spending, however, frequently accompanies huge earnings. This has raised questions about how long Mayweather can continue to live such an opulent lifestyle. Could his enormous earnings from previous fights be disappearing more quickly than he thought?

Oscar De La Hoya, a legendary boxer and prosperous businessman in his own right, recently sparked controversy by implying that Floyd Mayweather’s financial empire might be in jeopardy. “He’s going broke,” De La Hoya said in an interview, raising doubts about Mayweather’s financial situation. De La Hoya claims that Mayweather’s monthly salary might not be enough to sustain the opulent lifestyle the fighter has been leading for so long.

Given his history of enormous earnings, many people have been astonished by the allegation that Mayweather is running out of money. Though De La Hoya did not offer specific proof to support his claim, his decision to make it has sparked conjecture.

De La Hoya stated in the interview, “Look, when you’re living that kind of life and spending that kind of money every day, it’s going to catch up with you.” He made the suggestion that Mayweather’s extravagant spending habits, which include owning numerous properties, private planes and boats, pricey parties, and large amounts of property, would be having a negative effect on his income.


Although it’s difficult to pinpoint Mayweather’s exact monthly revenue, a number of reports provide information about his diverse sources of income. Through his boxing promotion business, Mayweather Promotions, Mayweather has amassed a sizeable fortune. He also continues to bring in a sizable sum of money from appearances and sponsorship deals. He has also made a variety of ventures, such as real estate and his own Las Vegas strip club.

These sources of income might not be sufficient to cover his extravagant expenses, though. Some financial analysts speculate that if Mayweather’s costs continue to outpace his monthly revenue, he may have cash flow problems.

Mayweather reportedly spends millions of dollars a year on his lifestyle alone. It’s understandable how even a fortune like Mayweather’s could be depleted by the expenses of keeping several residences, exotic cars, private planes, and his propensity for taking huge parties on trips.

It’s difficult to accept that Floyd Mayweather, one of the most wealthy athletes in history, is having financial issues. However, De La Hoya’s assertions have sparked new discussions regarding the possibility of financial hardship even for the wealthiest players.


Numerous players in sports history have amassed huge wealth, only to lose it all as a result of bad financial decisions, legal issues, or extravagant spending. For instance, Mike Tyson made almost $400 million in his career yet is well-known for declaring bankruptcy in 2003. Even though they made millions of dollars during their careers, other athletes like Antoine Walker and Allen Iverson have experienced similar financial difficulties.

Is Mayweather going to be emulating them? It’s tough to say, but Mayweather may need to reconsider his financial approach if De La Hoya is correct in what he claims.

Although Mayweather has often insisted that his riches is secure, he has not publicly addressed De La Hoya’s precise remarks. Mayweather has made it clear in interviews and social media posts that he is financially independent and makes his own investment decisions. He’s frequently boasted that he manages his own finances and that he’s made astute business decisions all of his life.

In previous interviews, Mayweather has downplayed worries about his expenditure, stating that he is capable of handling his money. He has referred to himself as “self-made” and “financially free,” and it’s safe to assume that he takes pleasure in showing off his money to the world.

Whether De La Hoya’s accusations are true or merely another punch in the ongoing rivalry between the two former champions is still up for debate.