Steph Curry and Snoop Dogg teamed together to renovate the basketball court at their Boyhood Club, surprising 70 children who had been anticipating the surprise for over a month

A basketball court at the Long Beach Boys & Girls Club will be repaired by Steph Curry and Snoop Dogg working together. On August 9, Curry Brand unveiled the new hardwood floors and hoops after 70 children had to wait a month to see them.


Curry discussed the team’s mission statement and the underlying significance of athletics.


“We want to give you a place to come have fun, get lost in the competition, invest in yourself, and be around a lot of great coaches and programs,” the four-time NBA Champion told the kids from Long Beach. “I pray this is the first step on a long and fruitful road, both athletically and in life.” Being an effective team member and having faith in one’s own abilities are only two of the many life lessons taught by athletics.


Furthermore, Snoop discussed his deep roots at the Boys & Girls Club LBC location.


“I learned how to play basketball and football, be involved in the community, and make friends”—that was the message from the 17-time Grammy winner. “Being myself, rapping, and speaking my mind all began at this park.” In the end, it comes down to providing these youths with better opportunities than we had.


Snoop Dogg, Stephen Curry boost 'Let's Play Ball' drive for Long Beach's  Boys & Girls Clubs – Press Telegram

According to Under Armour, Steph and Snoop have been actively seeking ways to support youth since the launch of Curry Brand in 2020. Together, with Under Armour’s support, they aimed to improve the lives of one hundred thousand children and secure twenty playgrounds from danger by the year 2025. The LBC court has just joined this group.