Kylie Jenner reveals her journey of being well cared for by Travis Scott while pregnant with Aire: ‘This is one of the happiest days…’

The 24-year-old Kylie Jenner is giving her fans an exclusive look into her pregnancy and the birth of her kid.


Jenner recently uploaded a video to YouTube with the title “To Our Son,” which is similar to the one she published following Stormi’s birth. She came clean about changing her son’s nаme from Wolf later on.The video begins with Kylie’s 30-year-old boyfriend Travis Scott planting a kiss on her belly as she proudly displays a positive pregnancy test.



After after, the happy pair finds out they are “a couple of days away from a heartbeat” during a doctor’s appointment and is overjoyed.It all comes to a head the second they tell Kris Jenner, Kylie’s mom. “Are you pregnant?!” Stormi asks her grandmother, while Kris exclaims, “This is one of the happiest days of my life.” Kris then delivers Stormi the ultrasound pictures.


The gorgeous nursery of Wolf and Kylie’s growing baby bulge are shown prominently in the photos. Jenner and Stormi eventually admit that her due date was February 1, which happens to be Stormi’s birthday. Still, February 2 was the day the little man showed up.


Jenner displayed two plates of food at her baby shower and told the audience, “My pregnancy craving is steak, like red meat for lunch and dinner and a baked potato is like my diet.” The video captures the moment when she says this. What a gluttony!


During the ceremony, Kris proclaimed her daughter to be “the best mom in the world,” and Kylie’s loved ones taped heartfelt messages to share with her newborn. Proclaiming, “We love you so much… we got you for life,” Kim spoke to him while North was at her side. She smiled and said, “I pray that you love the family that you are born into.” “As a mom, you inspire me so much,” Kendall told her. You have my utmost respect.”I am so excited to be everyone’s favorite aunt,” Khloé joked, “I can’t wait until I’m your favorite aunt.”

“We are so excited for this new baby,” Kourtney announced, with the help of her niece North and daughter Penelope.

Stormi and cousin Chicago West’s birthday party was a time for Travis’ mother to gush over the newlyweds, as she recalled the moment they told her they were expecting. I see a new side to my son, and you, as a young mother… This was the finest decision he could have made. You are an amazing mommy.

Kris expresses her joy at finally seeing you and welcoming you into the family in another video where she breaks down in tears. Apologies, I’m simply overwhelmed with emotions. You have my undying love… You are blessed with exceptional parents and a loving family, which will ensure that you lead an extraordinary life.

Kylie, Travis, and Kris are shown at the end of the film at the hospital. Travis responds, “I’m ready,” when Kylie inquires as to whether he is prepared to have another child.

A baby’s cries and the words “congratulations” remain audible after the screen goes dark. Reading, “To Our Son. February 2, 2022.,” the film concludes. eight pounds and thirteen ounces.