A UNIQUE UNDEFEATED INDEPENDENT After losing $35 million and avoiding a disputed loss to John Gotti III, Floyd Mayweather boasted that he has defeated more fighters than anybody else, even those in the Hall of Fame

Floyd Mayweather, who is frequently regarded as one of the greatest boxers of all time, has continually been recognized for his unwavering self-assurance and impeccable track record. He has augmented his lengthy list of self-praise with another audacious statement: “I am undefeated, I am unique.” Consolidating his legacy in the boxing world, Mayweather boasted that he has defeated more Hall of Fame opponents than anyone else.





The recent fight between Mayweather and John Gotti III did not go according to plan, despite his successful knockout fights. The bout ended in mayhem and controversy, despite original expectations that it would be a non-stop assault on MayweaTher’s undefeated run. Unexpectedly, Mayweatheɾ suffered ɑ shocking defeat in the eighth round when Gottι III caught the ʌeteɾan off guard with ɑ sequence of punches. As a result, GotTi III was named the winner under contentious circumstances, leading many to consider it a contested defeat.

Mayweather suffered a devastating $35 million loss, exacerbating the already dire financial situation. This was the first time Mayweather had ever lost an unexpected fight, which hurt both his cash account and his pride. A mass brawl ensued at the end of the fight, exacerbating the situation and necessitating the intervention of 200 police officers to bring order. Both fans and experts in the boxing world were arguing about the validity of Georges III’s victory in the aftermath of the fight.

In his comments after the fight, Mayweather, who is famous for his sharp tongue, did not hold back. Every time I’ve confronted the greatest, I’ve managed to emerge victorious. He dismissed the loss as a fluke, stating that it was only a temporary setback and nothing more. His statements conveyed his unwavering self-assurance, even when confronted with challenges.

Although some fans were shocked by Mayweather’s setback, others enjoyed seeing the champion, who had never been vanquished, show some vulnerability. With some fans showing support for Mayweather and others celebrating Gotti III for his unexpected victory, social media platforms were inundated with comments and memes. “Who would have thought that Gotti III would do it?” one fan wrote in response to the inevitable end of Mayweather’s reign. “This simply proves that even legendary figures can experience a bad game,” another writer remarked. “Floyd is still the GOAT.”

Mayweather remains unfazed by the drama that has surrounded the match. It’s still me. I’m the best. “My career isn’t defined by one fight,” he said with a stubborn tone. He has stayed at the top for so long because of his unfaltering self-assurance. While Mayweather’s otherwise spotless record does include a match against Gotti III, his legacy as one of boxing’s greatest fighters is untarnished.