What Chris Paul Is Doing to Make the Most of His Time at Home in Order to Preparing His Son for Basketball

Chris Paul is currently spending his time at home with his family, helping his son Chris Jr. to enhance his own court techniques. Despite the fact that Chris Paul is eager to return to the professional basketball league, he is currently spending his time at home.

“My son is a huge fan of the game,” I used to say. Paul, who is 35 years old, has stated to PEOPLE that his child, who is eleven years old, “absolutely adores it.” It is said that he is completely knowledgeable about each and every player and squad. Furthermore, because of this isolation, I have been able to accomplish something that I have never been able to do before: I have finally been able to train him on my own.

Given that he notified me of his desire to exercise on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, it is reasonable to assume that yesterday was the fourth day that we exercised together. With that being said, the point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder says, “Therefore, it is ironic that our most productive day was yesterday, given that he was furious and upset the other three days.” The day before yesterday was incredibly amazing, and it was probably one of the best experiences that I’ve experienced throughout the entirety of this confinement.

Paul and his family, which includes his wife Jada Paul and their children, son Chris Jr. and daughter Camryn, who is seven and a half years old, have continued to lead an active lifestyle in addition to playing basketball despite the continuous pandemic caused by the coronavirus. On the other hand, they have continued to keep a social distance from one another.

“It is a blessing that we have access to a weight room that is equipped with both weights and a treadmill,” the athlete says. “What I try to do is come up with a circuit for my children, whether that means they have to jump on the bike for two minutes, then get down and do some push-ups, then do some sit-ups, and finally run a few sprints,” I said.

That is something that I believe they take delight in. Paul elaborates, “I also try to get them to complete three circuits because if they see [my wife and I] training, it inspires and motivates them to get going as well.” That is why I try to get them to complete three circuits.During the interview with PEOPLE, the father of two children stated that “the funniest part” of the event was “watching my daughter come downstairs in her workout attire.” “I believe that I have not yet built up a tolerance for that.”When it comes to Camryn, Paul says that his youngest child “becomes extremely restless” during activities such as Zoom calls. As a result, Jada will occasionally urge her to “run a lap” around the pool outside in order to get rid of any surplus energy that she may have during school hours.”In most cases, once the school day is over, we all make an effort to get together and work out,” he elaborates. “I believe that to be one of the most interesting things of all… The majority of the time, I am either in another location or I am working out or training at the gym. However, as a result of this circumstance, we have been able to conduct family workouts in which we all work out together.

The basketball legend adds that his family life at home is functioning like “a well-oiled machine” despite the fact that he has been spending the past couple of months in isolation. This is mostly due to Jada, who is 36 years old.During the first two weeks of the internship, I made every attempt to assist in providing assistance with physical education and numeracy. “However, my wife has been phenomenal, given that I’ve been on the receiving end of countless phone calls every day as the president of the union,” Paul says to PEOPLE. “It’s been a challenge for me to communicate with my wife.”He admits, “So in between my calls, I go up there and check in on Spanish or what’s going on as far as school, and I can look at my wife’s face and tell that her calling was not to be a teacher.” He says this because he is able to see that her calling was not to be a teacher. Her efforts are of the highest possible quality, however… It’s possible that she may be a teacher, but it’s quite unlikely that she would work with our children.