PGA Reach Teams Up with Stephen and Ayesha Curry’s Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation for Inaugural Stephen Curry Charity Classic
Stephen and Ayesha Curry’s Eat. Learn. Play Foundation and the 19TH HolePGA Reach will co-host the inaugural Stephen Curry Charity Classic.Published September 4, 2019; four years ago.As stated by Gianni Magliocco
StephenCurryClassic of Charity
On Monday, September 16, 2019, PGA Reach will collaborate with the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation of Stephen and Ayesha Curry to host the inaugural Stephen Curry Charity Classic, which will be sponsored by Workday.
The mission of the event is to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for children in the Bay Area and beyond to engage in golf and maintain active and healthy lifestyles. In concert, the organizations are striving to amass $1 million in order to advance their respective charitable endeavors.
StephenCurryClassic of Charity
At TPC Harding Park in San Francisco, the NBA superstar Stephen Curry will participate in the Stephen Curry Charity Classic alongside fifty two-person teams comprised of partners, benefactors, and supporters. The Charity Classic, presented by Workday, is touted as a multifaceted golf experience. It will commence with a skills challenge, which will be succeeded by an 18-hole scramble.
StephenCurryClassic of Charity
Similar to the PGA Jr. League, the principal junior initiative of PGA Reach, the competition will adhere to a two-person scramble structure. Participants will be designated with blue or orange numbered uniforms, which correspond to their division of draft. In the inaugural competition, the teams with the highest point totals in each division will engage in a one-hole shootout alongside Curry and other special guests in order to ascertain the overall victor.
StephenCurryClassic of Charity
In collaboration with the Curry’s Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation, PGA Reach provides access to PGA Professionals, PGA Sections, and the game of golf in an effort to positively influence the lives of youth, military, and diverse populations.
Regarding the оppоrtunity tо cоllabоrate with the Curry’s fоr the Charity Classic, PGA Reach Seniоr Directоr Ryan Cannоn stated: “PGA Reach is immensely hоnоred tо cоllabоrate with Eat. Learn. Play. in an effоrt tо imprоve the lives оf yоung peоple thrоughоut the Bay Area and the natiоn.” Spоrts, and gоlf in particular, affоrd children the learning, develоpment, and success-оriented оppоrtunities and experiences that are cоmmensurate with their wоrth. Wоrkday’s assistance will enable us tо grant an even greater number оf individuals access tо the game.”