Chris Paul becomes the inspiration for NBA stars to abandon vegan meat with a healthy diet but still guaranteeing health for the tournaments

Paul became vegan in 2019 and joined the Warriors this season following a brief stint with the Washington Wizards, where assistant coach JB Blair, a lifetime vegan, has been educating players about plant-based eating. 

Blair confirmed Curry’s claim that Paul’s veganism affected the NBA. 

“I was so happy he did it because to have a player of that magnitude make that decision, it starts to open the eyes of players around him,” Blair told VegNews. “And it made teams aware that they needed to modify for those players.” 

What does Paul eat? A typical lunch, Paul told GQ last year, contains salad, a veggie bowl, and a protein drink, while dinner is a chef-prepared meal with beans, grains, and veggies.

Just Egg (a mung bean-based egg replacer), Beyond Meat’s vegan breakfast sausages, and plant-based pancakes make the 38-year-old footballer happy. He loves munchies too. In 2021, Paul founded Good Eat’n with GoPuff, a snack delivery service. Its popcorn, tortilla chips, and porkless rinds are inspired by childhood favorites like Cool Ranch Doritos.

Curry is intrigued by Paul, a plant-based food investor,’s NBA success after four years.

“I’m just amazed and I just stare at him,” Curry stated on the program. “I feel awkward, staring at him, asking, ‘How, how?’”